My Life

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


... karena tak ada yg mampu mencairkan hati yg beku...

... karena tak ada yg bisa menahan air mata yg jatuh...

karena ituh lah aku tertawa...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

If Love Is Blind

If Love Is Blind ~Tiffany~

People say that you’re no good for me
People say it constantly
I hear it said so much
I repeat it in my sleep

Maybe I am just a fool for you
Maybe you’re no angel too
But all that talk is cheap
When I’m alone with you

If love is blind
I’ll find my way with you
Cause I can’t see myself
Not in love with you
If love is blind
I’ll find my way with you

All the world is crazy anyway
What’s it matter what they say
If I’m the one that’s wrong
Then let it be my mistake

If love is blind
I’ll find my way with you
Cause I can’t see myself
I’m not in love with you
If love is blind
I’ll find my way with you

You wouldn’t be with me tonight if I didn’t feel I was right
What will it matter anyhow a hundred years from now

If love is blind
I’ll find my way with you
Cause I can’t see myself
I’m not in love with you
If love is blind
I’ll find my way with you

If I’m the one that’s wrong Then let it be my mistake ~~ Seandainya gw ga tll keras kepala untuk dengerin apa yg org2 blg.... Yup... It's my mistake...

Friday, June 09, 2006

2 Late....

Sometimes a part of me wished that I’d never met you…
But other times it also wish that you never came so late…
I guess there is only so much a person can do
Knowing that we’ve meet by destiny but never chosen by fate...
I’d be lying now if I said I’d love you till the end of time
Because the end of time is not enough…
I wish that I could be by you forever
An angel in my life to whom I’d share this love.
It kills me inside of how my feelings must remain a secret
One that you may never know…
Even when you’re sitting by me, your love is so far
Yet I can feel you so close
All these past days with you have felt just like a dream…
A dream I wish that would never end...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

song of da day... ^^

It Had To Be U

It had to be you
It had to be you
I wandered around
And finally found
Somebody who..
Could make me be true...
Could make me be blue...
Or even be glad
Just to be sad
Thinking of you.....

Some others I've seen,
Might never mean.....
Might never be cross,
Or try to be boss,
But they wouldn't do....
For nobody else gave me a thrill,
With all your faults I love you still.
It had to be you, wonderful you,
It had to be you.....
wekzzzz.... makin males ajah gw update nih blog... sebenernya sih bkn males, tp byk bgt yg mo diceritain jd bingung mulai dr mana... hmmm... bis baca2 crt gw yg dulu2... lucu jg... tnyata bener kata org2 klo waktu tuh bakal ngebuktiin smuanya... mulai dr gw yg marah smp ga tau gmn caranya memaafkan org, tp skrg gw dah ngelupain smuanya... yg gw mao cuma mulai semua dr awal n ga liat ke belakang lg.... ^^ Trs... Gw yg berpikir klo gw suka sm "seseorang"... tp tnyata ga... mmg susah ngebedain antara suka n terbiasa... hehehe.. but pd intinya prasaan gw masih jauh bgt dr suka... wufffffff.......
Trs... hmmm... wedding kk gw yg bener2 melelahkan... tp hari itu gw seneng bgt, smp gw ngerasa klo dah lama bgt gw ga bnr2 seneng ky wkt itu... dunt ask me why, k??? hhehehehe... ituh cerita lain lg... ^_^
Masih ada 1 party lg!!!! apa lbh menyenangkan??? heheheh....


Friday, May 12, 2006

Magic of Luv

Dah lama ga nulis2... Mungkin krn akhir2 ini prasaan gw lg kacau... *_*
Tp skrg dah better... Ato mungkin gw yg brusaha untuk merasa lbh baik... Mungkin keadaan jg agak2 mendukung... Gw mulai sibuk lg sm skripsi gw yg bikin gw punya lebih sedikit waktu buat mikirin hal2 yg ga penting... heheheh... THNX GOD... ^^

Tiba2 gw jd inget dulu pernah baca buku ~lupa buku apa~... Dibuku ituh ditulis... Intinya... Klo cewe ditanya " Apa yg sebenernya cewe inginkan?" pasti cewe akan membutuhkan waktu untuk berpikir... Akan menjelaskan panjang lebar tp inti dr jawabannya adalah cewe mau merasa dibutuhkan, dihargai dan yg paling penting disayang... Tp klo pertanyaan ituh dibalik ke cowo.. "Apa yg cowo inginkan?" Pasti cowo tanpa berpikir akan jawab TIKET NONTON PIALA DUNIA.... heheheh... Bukan maksudnya semua cowo pasti suka sm sepak bola... Itu cuma menggambarkan perbedaan pola pikir dan keinginan cewe n cowo... Tapi... Ada sesuatu yg lucu dibalik itu... Cowo akan nolak klo dapet tiket nonton piala dunia itu kalo dia sedang jatuh cinta... heheheh... Lucu kan... Mungkin lebih tepatnya... Manis...

Mmg luv itu selalu bisa membuat sesuatu yg tdnya terasa penting bgt jd kaya sesuatu yg ga penting... Setiap org punya kriteria yg dia mau untuk jd pasangannya... Tp klo dia dah fallin in luv, semua ituh terasa ga penting... Ato bahkan dia lupa sm semua kriteria yg dia punya... Ini ga buat cewe ajah tp cowo jg... Cowo yg katanya selalu memakai logika klo berhadapan dgn LUV, logikanya bisa ga berjalan seperti biasanya... hehehehe....


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Song of da day... *_*

I Will Fly

You know all the things I’ve said
You know all the things that we have done
And things I gave to you
If there’s a chance for me to say
How precious you are in my life
And you know that is true
To be with you is all that I need
‘cause with you my life seems brighter
and these are all the things I wanna say

I will fly into your arms
And be with you till the end of time
Why are you so far away
You know it’s very hard for me to get my self close to you

You’re the reason why I stay
You’re the one who can not believe
Our love will never end
Is it only in my dream ?
You’re the one who can not see this
How could you be so blind
To be with you is all that I need
‘cause with you my life seems brighter
And these are all the things I wanna say

I will fly into your arms
And be with you till the end of time
Why are you so far away
You know it’s very hard for me to get my self close to you

duwwww... melo amatz... ^^


Wednesday, March 29, 2006


When I look at you I see more than your face, I see a man that I could love....

One that makes me smile without saying a word....

There is something about you that I cant live without....

No matter where I am, what I am doing or who Im with... You are always on my mind...
